Salma Mazhar, MD PA


Thank you for selecting the Primary Care Practice of Salma Mazhar MD PA for your family's healthcare needs. We are providing a full range of primary care services to adults and adolescents in the Mesquite area since 2009. The goal of our practice is to provide comprehensive, continual, high quality, cost-effective medical care.  We treat both acute and long-term health conditions with a focus on prevention as the best foundation to keep your family healthy and active.


We offer a broad spectrum of primary care

Our Services


By participating in a clinical trial you receive study-related medical care at no cost and compensation for your time and travel. You will also help in the discovery of new medicines and medical treatments for various types of health issues.....


Patients who suffer from seasonal allergies can be tested at Salma Mazhar MD PA for the 48 most geographically specific mold and airborne allergens in the area......


Regardless of your age, monitoring health should be the top priority of every one.  Dr.Mazhar recommends everyone for screenings once a year to stay assured that you are in good health........

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2012 Salma Mazhar M.D. P.A.